ASCII control characters (character code 0-31) 0- 32 characters in the ASCII-table are control codes to control peripherals such as printers. Symbol DEC OCT HEX BIN HTML Number HTML Name Description NUL 0 0 0 00000000 � Null char SOH 1 1 1 00000001  Start of Heading STX 2 2 2 00000010  Start of Text ETX 3 3 3 00000011  End of Text EOT 4 4 4 00000100  End of Transmission ENQ 5 5 5 00000101  Enquiry ACK 6 6 6 00000110  Acknowledgment BEL 7 7 7 00000111  Bell BS 8 10 8 00001000  Back Space HT 9 11 9 00001001 Horizontal Tab LF 10 12 0A 00001010 Line Feed VT 11 13 0B 00001011  Vertical Tab FF 12 14 0C 00001100  Form Feed CR 13 15 0D 00001101 Carriage Return SO 14 16 0E 00001110  Shift Out / X-On SI 15 17 0F 00001111  Shift In / X-Off DLE 16 20 10 00010000  Data Line Escape DC1 17 21 11 00010001  Device


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