DLT-1 / DLR-1 (set)
The DLT/DLR-1 transmits an RS422 data signal for Pan Tilt Zoom camera control or use it with any data in either direction without running additional wires. This system uses the existing coaxial cable or twisted pair wire to send both the video image and the RS422 data without the use of expensive Vertical Interval equipment. Applications like cash register data or card access data can ride on the existing video return without the need to pull extra wires. This unit is very cost effective especially when you have to dig up sidewalks or break into walls just to add data to an existing video signal.
You can insert your data anywhere on the cable and recover data at any other location along the cable path up to 3000 feet and up to 1000 feet for UTP wire. The unitscan bepowered by 24 Volts AC or DC so you can use the existing camera power supply and the DLR-1 can be powered by 9-24 Volts AC or DC.
Call 800-235-6960 for more information and pricing.