hf/df huff-duff
Part Number: HF/DF
Category: A/V Baseband
Industry: TV/Radio Broadcast
HF/DF HUFF-DUFF is a High Frequency Direction Finding radio system used during WWII to locate German Submarines for destruction. This device simulates the receiver signals including code encripted transmission for display on any oscilloscope for interactive museum displays. Used on board the USS NEAL A. SCOTT Destroyer Escort now docked in New York. One of the last WWII Destroyer Escorts still afloat it is used as a museum and has a demonstration of the Top Secret HF/DF HUFF-DUFF anti-submarine radio receivers on board. This system along with land based receivers were used to triangulate the positions of German Submarines in the North Atlantic when they would transmit there short bursts of weather information at sea. With an antenna that rotated to find the direction of the German transmissions, US radio operators would work together to triangulate the position of the Submarines in order to sink them. This was very top secret during WWII, but now it makes a wonderful demonstration of war time technology for the visitors aboard the USS NEAL A. SCOTT.
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