Band Splitting Filter for Subcarrier/Video
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Part Number: BSF45
Title: Band Splitting Filter for Subcarrier/Video
Category: RF Filters
Industry: TV/Radio Broadcast, CATV Cable Industry
The BSF45 BAND SPLITTING FILTER is a device that separates the 4.5 MHz FM subcarrier from a Composite video signal, so that they can be used separately. The input is 4.5 MHz TV audio multiplexed on baseband video. Video with no 4.5 MHz audio subcarrier appears at one filter output. The 4.5 MHz TV sound subcarrier with no video appears at the other output.
The BSF45 is ideal for splitting Composite Video from microwave or other composite sources into TV modulators that require separate baseband video and 4.5 MHz TV audio input. This unit can also be used to combine 4.5 MHz TV audio with Base-Band video.
This unit will allow you to process video through Time-Base Correctors or Proc. Amps. without causing SYNC-BUZZ in your TV audio. This is accomplished by by-passing the 4.5 MHz TV audio around the video Processors that would otherwise interrupt the aural subcarrier.
The BSF45 is fully RF shielded in a die cast aluminum box and is equipped with input and output BNC connectors. It is a passive filter so no power source is required.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Impedance 75 Ohms Signal NTSC Composite Video Level 1 Volt p-p
VIDEO OUTPUT Impedance 75 Ohms Passband 4.35 MHz Chromanance Delay 60 nS Level 1 Volt p-p
TV AUDIO SUBCARRIER OUTPUT Impedance 75 Ohms Passband 170 KHz Level -6 dB